Latest Classifieds in Woodward's

Artropolis ’93


Artropolis was a re-occuring survey of British Columbian art that ran roughly every three years between 1987 and 2003. Styling

Images from the Woodward’s Catalogue


Through the beginning of the 20th century, the Woodward’s Department Store grew as a catalogue service, transporting goods across Canada

Prices Protest


Another from the Pacific Tribune Collection. A protest outside of Woodward’s – the department store as a jilted transition point

Retail Worker’s Strike


From the Pacific Tribune collection, Woodward’s workers strike, dated 1974. A year after price protests at Woodward’s, retail workers express

Woodward’s Store Limited Sun Deck


Two views of the Woodward’s rooftop. One, from the COV collection, of a patio on top of the department store, another, from the market rate building hot tub, shaped as a “W”. Only residents of the market condo building have access to this rooftop leisure centre.

Woodward’s Hat Collection


Images from Woodward’s hat collection. There’s no explanation as to why these catalogue images are preserved in the COV archive,



A speech prepared by the Vancouver Police Department, likely for…

Please After A Decade We’d Like To See Action / Please Give Westbank A Chance At Woodwards (poster)


Grasping at straws, eh? Author of this poster and details of its dissemination unknown.

Woodwards Campaign Demands (handbill)


This handbill lists the demands on the Woodward’s redevelopment, based on past promises and then-current needs of the neighbourhood surrounding Woodward’s.

How Vancouver’s Woodward’s could pave the future of dying department stores, October 28, 2017


This article, posted to CBC News, was an oddly timed fluff piece praising the redevelopment of Woodward’s — oddly timed, because it coincided with Westbank’s Fight For Beauty exhibition, which also argued that the Woodward’s redevelopment had a positive revitalizing effect on the neighbourhood, which W.W.A.S. research demonstrates is not true.

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